About us
Sélection suisse en Avignon (SCH – Swiss selection in Avignon) is a curated selection of both seasoned and emerging Swiss artists and companies for the Avignon festival; our goal is to promote contemporary Swiss performing arts, particularly bold and generous contemporary productions that attest to the singularity and creativity of the Swiss performing arts scene. We are a nomadic structure which relies on a network of theatres in Avignon whose artistic vision is similar to ours.
Diffusion is particularly important for us at SCH; we work with each company and artist individually before, during and after the festival, to maximize the impact of their presence in Avignon, build relationships with other theatres and festivals in France and abroad, and organize tours for our artists.
Our permanent team is composed of a director and an administrator. Once the program has been selected, we mandate agents for the diffusion, PR, and press of our artists’ work, and we hire technical teams to support them. We created a new head of diffusion position in January 2023, which is mutualized with the “On Tour” Swiss Cultural Center and Pro Helvetia.