Chris Leuenberger

Chris Leuenberger studied acting at the Pacific Conservatory of the Performing Arts (USA) and dance and choreography at the School for New Dance Development (NL).  Based in Bern as a freelance choreographer and performer, he collaborates with different artists in various contexts and constellations, keeps developing his own work and performs for others.
In 2014, he starts a collaboration with the author and theater director Marcel Schwald. Together, they develop documentary dance evenings that combine choreography and autobiographical material. The second Schwald/Leuenberger production EF_FEMININITY was invited to Theater Festival Impulse in Düsseldorf and was showcased as part of the Sélection Suisse in Avignon in 2019.
As a dancer Chris has performed in works by Jenny Beyer, Aitana Cordero, Cosima Grand, Lowtech Magic, Tino Sehgal and Dick Wong among others.